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As I find myself saying tearful goodbyes far too regularly I came to an understanding that many of the things and projects I had on hold or on the back burner didn’t need to be put off any longer.


With age and health issues bringing my own mortality into focus I came to a decision to move forward on this film project that I had been working on for the last several years.


It started as an attempt to bring out all of my many travels around the world and it quickly became a retrospective of my life. As it became more and more clear that this was going to be a biopic piece I found myself revealing more about my own life and not just the artist I was touring with or recording with. Those were all merely markers as to what I was doing at the moments that affected me the most.


Being a part of film projects that said its last goodbyes to greats like Bernie Mac, and Issac Hayes with Soul Men. Which also saw the loss of Raymond Jones. To the many many who have fallen to so many things, not the least of which was Covid.


It brought importance and clarity to the recent events of my own life. Going through a bad breakup to relocating and starting over in the midst of a global pandemic.


Which has brought me to now. Starting this GoFundMe campaign to raise money to cover the expenses of making this film as well as my expenses and repaying a debt to someone who helped me in this difficult situation who now is in need of their funds.


I know personally the power of community and how much that can be accomplished by a village. So I say thanks in advance to everyone who will donate to this film as it covers issues and topics that stretch so far beyond one man’s life.


The cost will likely go far beyond what I am asking so please give with that in mind. All donations of any size will b appreciated and will be going towards getting this film done. If there are angel investors that would like to come onboard that too would be appreciated and welcomed.


Thanks again

Fred Clark


Thanks for donating

Fred Clark Films

Pre Post Production for Film TV Music


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